Today it is snowing - big fluffy snow flakes falling gently to the ground, covering the earth in a blanket of white.
Let's go for a slow winter walk - shall we? Down into the ravine we can explore together.
As I come over the hill into the ravine, I stop and listen to the winter silence made more intense by the insulating effect of the snow.

A snap in the woods and I stop to listen ....... what caused that snap?
A broken tree limb ripped away from where it belongs - if I stand still long enough I imagine I can hear the tree weeping for her loss?
Will she mourn her loss in years to come?
Do the other trees in the forest feel her loss?
Will they support her if she becomes weak?

A chickadee and a dove enjoy seeds from a nearby feeder that a kind soul filled so they would have food during the harsh winter months.
The dove is hunkered down to keep warm. I wonder where is his mate?

A little further along our walk I see animal tracks breaking the surface of the untouched whiteness.
What made these tracks .... a fox popping out of his den looking for something to eat, a deer who might have strayed away from the herd, a bunny frolicking in the fresh snow, a raccoon looking for somewhere to wash his newly acquired bit of food???

As I stand quietly, looking around for the animal that has been here, I can see a small rabbit who doesn't seem aware of my presence.
But her visit will not last long, she is soon scampering away looking for something to eat or maybe searching for the friend she had come out to play with.
What other creatures are around, that I cannot see, maybe hidding in the now, maybe having their long winter sleep deep under the snow?
I cross the bridge over our swiftly moving creek, moving so swiftly that it prevents it from freezing over in the winter.

Looking to my left I see a quick movement .... a beaver is swimming quickly downstream towards his dam. He disappears as quickly as he appeared.
The silence and majesty of this winter scene is broken only by the lapping of the beaver's tail as he swims, the occasional sounds of birds calling out to other friends, the creaking and cracking of the trees as they contract in the cold - drawing into themselves to protect against the bitter winter winds to come, a seed pod dropping from a tree to fall into the white blanket where it will await it's rebirth.
What or who else is hiding in this winter world of white?
The trees stand stately like majestic sentinels guarding the forest until spring comes blowing the magical breath of rebirth to everything in deep winter slumber right now.
Maybe the weeping broken tree will grow new limbs to replace her very great loss, the ground will come alive with tender green shoots and small creatures will venture out foraging for bits to sustain themselves.

Or maybe, we'll see crocuses peeking through the snow as they reach for the warm spring sunshine.
Let's go back home now for a lovely warm cup of hot chocolate - maybe Green & Black Gourmet Chocolate with a dollop of unsweetened whipped cream on top, a drizzle of caramel.
We'll wrap up in a cozy throw, put on our fuzzy slippers while we sit and watch the beautiful big flakes gently falling outside my window, covering more and more of my familiar world.
Where is my rooster garden ornament .... my composter is covered with a white hat on it's lid .... the bird feeder is gently swaying, but still collecting a white bonnet.
The deck is nowhere to be seen, connected to the lawn and garden by a white blanket, no division to be found between the two. The cedars and other evergreens show green branches peeking through their snow wrapped bodies.
The beauty of this world is akin to something supernatural. The softening of the harsh landscape which only a few days ago was brown and drab is extraordinary. It has come to life with the movement of the snow as it falls in gentle drifts and creases. Water drops on my window warm up and slowly run down the glass each creating their own little river.
I open my door, turn my face to the heavens, feel the cold snowflakes as they fall on my nose and cheeks, oops forgot to take off my glasses which quickly become covered in minute water droplets ..... then I take a deep breath of the cold bracing winter air.