Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day Six - Random Pictures "Things I Love"

On this second last day of my random photos, I thought I would share with you some of the things I love.

I say some because there isn't enough space to share everything I love, so here is a sampling.

My beautiful family.

"Sarah" - who incidentally is eagerly awaiting the arrival of a sister.

Crystal for storing, serving or just looking at.
Love it, love it, love it!!!

That ever glorious first coffee of the morning ..... the whir of the grinder as the beans are grinding .... the gentle drip, drip, drip as the coffee fills the carafe .... the scent as it infuses the air, making its' way to my nostrils and then the explosion of flavour as the first sip slips across my tongue producing an audible "ahhhhhhhh" .

Beautiful decorating books.

A really suspensful novel by some of my favourite authors, Robin Cook, Dan Brown, James Patterson, Clive Cussler, David Baldacci.

The look & feel of polished river rocks.


1 comment:

Name: Ali said...

your friend is absolutely beautiful, sebrina told me her name i just can't put my finger on it.
I'm not commenting just to say that, i just wanted to mention how ironic it was that i was thinking of doing a future blog on things i love.. i actually started collecting pictures today.
Have a great weekend Aunty Barb, I LOVE YOU!


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