Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Twenty one years ago, I married this man.

In those twenty one years we have shared the grief of each losing our grandparents, my sister and recently my dad. He has provided me strong support throughout all of these difficult times.

He showed his love for me by giving the eulogy at my dad's funeral, something he did not particularly want to do, but did it with grace and dignity for me and my mother.

We raised our daughter Sebrina together .... he was and is a wonderful dad to her.

Together we shared the births of not one, not two, but three beautiful grandsons. He encouraged me to go to Ethiopia with Sebrina when they adopted our enchanting granddaughter Gabriella.

He has loved me through sickness, surgeries & trying times.

He is strong of character, moral and loves his family with fierceness.

And he has always been my best friend.

Happy Anniversary my love .... here's to another twenty one.

This poem by Robert Browning (first verse only is shown) is particularly poignant to me. When my mother and dad celebrated their 50th anniversary, we had in imprinted on the invitations to their celebration.

It is beautiful.

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand

Robert Browning (1812-1889)


Chris said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you two! Jeepers, Barb, our anniversaries are one day apart too! August 21, 1981 I married my sweetheart! When is your birthday?!! Anyway, enjoy your special day and may your love and happiness continue for many many more years!

COLLEEN said...

A very happy anniversary to you both Barb and Don! Enjoy your special day together!

Vickie LeBlanc said...

Happy belated Barb and Don. I feel so bad that I did'nt read this on the day I should have read it... You guys make such a beautiful couple.


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