Saturday, March 22, 2008


What would we do without friends?

They hold us up when we need support ....
They hold our hand when we need reassurance ....
They share our hopes, our fears, our dreams, our disappointments ....
They listen to our rants & raves .....
They share our excitement as well as our disappointment ....
They are always in our corner ....

With a friend you can talk for hours and never run out of things to say ....
Silence is comfortable with a good friend ....

My best friend and I have shared some of the most intimate moments in our lives over our many years of friendship. I was privileged to be there at the birth of her last daughter. She was with me during my knee surgery, bringing me lunches and just hugging me when all I wanted to do was cry from the pain. We've been through divorces, job losses, school woes and victories (as she has worked towards her C.G.A.), births, deaths, illnesses and through it all our friendship has stood the test of time.

We have shared and continue to share a very deep bond.

I know this friend almost as well as I know myself.

She sent me a beautiful birthday card, the words of which brought tears to my eyes as I thought of MaryAnne looking for just the right card for my birthday and then taking the time to pen the beautiful words.

"A friendship like ours gives life a sweet sense of continuity. Our relationship combines the past and future in a way that is natural, comfortable ... reassuring. And while other friends, new friends, see the me that I've become, you know the me I've always been, just as I know the history you grew from, the stories that shaped you.

In this world of change, it is a rare thing, a precious thing, to know and be known so well. A friendship like ours is something to cherish, and I want you to know, I do."

The following "words of wisdom" were imparted to MaryAnne by her eight year old daughter Elizabeth on her birthday in February, and she decided to share them with me.

"You're way over 40, but we're going to pretend you're in your 20's."

Thanks Elizabeth, I think I will pretend I'm in my 20's for this birthday.

Hmmm, now what would a 20 something year old want to do for her birthday?

Wait, I know. How about a birthday party with "the birthday hat" (will post later with a picture of this very special hat), yummy chocolate, banana, hazelnut and butter cream icing cake with candles and lots of kids.

Sebrina is having a combination Easter - Birthday dinner today. Ryan, Jayden, Zander & Gabriella will be there to provide the kidlet entertainment. I'm sure the birthday hat will make an appearance for the traditional birthday picture and I put in my order for the "chocolate, banana, hazelnut with butter cream icing cake.

Think I'll ask Sebrina to put "20" candles instead of "54".

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