Saturday, March 1, 2008

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

One year ago today is the day that I saw you for the first time.

You were a wee little thing – just 12 pounds, you didn’t smile very much and constantly had your fingers in your mouth.

You couldn’t hold your head up very well. But you had these eyes … eyes that looked deep into my soul and from the very first second had me hooked.

The weeks spent in Ethiopia were special, watching as you unfolded like a flower opening its' petals to the sun.

Within a couple of days you were smiling at your mommy and me.

Within one and one half weeks, we had you laughing out loud.

Your mommy kept putting you on the bed on your tummy, so you could learn to hold your head up.

I remember laying in the bed beside you at night watching you sleep and thinking what a miracle you were and how fortunate we were to have you in our lives.

Here we are one year later and you are growing into such a big girl.

You aren’t so wee any more – nearly 30 pounds.

You smile non-stop especially when you see your daddy or your poppa.

You hold your head high now and you are running around the house with your three older brothers.

Sometimes they can’t even keep up with you.

And those eyes ... they still look deep into my soul, touching and awakening many emotions and yes dearest Gabriella you still have me hooked.

I loved you from the moment I saw your first referral picture and that love has grown deeper over this past year.

What a precious girl you are – mammy’s love.

1 comment:

Vickie LeBlanc said...

Someone reading this tearless has no heart and soul. She's such a beautiful little girl... she smiles with her eyes !


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