Friday, March 13, 2009

Body Image

How do you view your body?

The dictionary defines body image as a term which may refer to a person's perception of their own physical appearance, or the internal sense of having a body which is interpreted by the brain.

Essentially a person's body image is how they perceive their appearance to be to others, which in many cases may be dramatically different from how they actually appear to them.

Do you know that 44% of women today express negative feelings about both individual body parts and their bodies as a whole. The desire to lose weight is highly correlated with poor body image, and more women than men desire to lose weight.

There are a brave few on Flickr who recently have been posting self portraits of face & body in an effort to improve their body image.

If you pursue self portraiture, it can help you in your efforts to accept your body. Shooting self-portraits regularly gives you inner strength and can help in the process of healing any illness ~ physical and psychological. As real women, we must undertake to do whatever it takes along the journey to become more comfortable in our own skin.

The little girl inside of me wants to see a beautiful woman, but unfortunately when I look in the mirror this is far from what I see.

I only see the wrinkles, the big stomach, the sagging breasts, the thinning hair, the not quite straight smile, etc.....

Why is that?

Why do I not see what the people who love me see?
Why as women are we so hard on ourselves?
We are constantly bombarded with "Barbie-doll" images. By presenting an ideal that is so difficult to achieve and maintain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are assured of growth and profits. It's no accident that youth is increasingly promoted, along with thinness, as an essential criterion of beauty. The message we're hearing is either "all women need to lose weight" or that the natural aging process is a "disastrous" fate. Botox, Restlyne, liposuction, fat transfer, laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels. These procedures are as common as having a tooth filled. Clinics and spas providing these services are popping up on every street corner.

Why can we not be happy with this marvelous body we have? The body that has sustained us throughout our lives .... the feet and legs that carry us where ever we go .... the arms that carried our babies .... the hands that lovingly prepare the very nourishment that feeds our body .... the breasts that fed our children ..... the stomach that nurtured that life as it prepared to be born ..... the face with all its characteristics that is ours alone.

Negative Body Image is a distorted perception of your shape. You may perceive parts of your body unlike they really are.

You are convinced that only other people are attractive and that your body size or shape is a sign of personal failure.

You feel ashamed, self-conscious, and anxious about your body.

You feel uncomfortable and awkward in your body.

Positive Body Image is a clear, true perception of your shape. You see the various parts of your body as they really are.

You celebrate and appreciate your natural body shape and you understand that a person`s physical appearance says very little about their character and value as a person.

You feel proud and accepting of your unique body and refuse to spend an unreasonable amount of time worrying about food, weight, and calories.

You feel comfortable and confident in your body

Here are ten things you can do every day to improve your body image.

1 ~ Twice a day, everyday, I will ask myself: "Am I benefiting from focusing on what I believe are the flaws in my body weight or shape?"
2 ~ I will think of three reasons why it is ridiculous for me to believe that thinner people are happier or "better. I will repeat these reasons to myself whenever I feel the urge to compare my body shape to someone else.
3 ~ I will spend less and less time in front of mirrors, especially when they are making me feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about my body.

4 ~ I will exercise for the joy of feeling my body move and grow stronger. I will not exercise simply to lose weight, purge fat from my body, or to "make-up for" calories I have eaten.

5 ~ I will participate in activities that I enjoy, even if they call attention to my weight and shape. I will constantly remind myself that I deserve to do things I enjoy, like dancing, swimming, etc., no matter what my shape or size!

6 ~ I will refuse to wear clothes that are uncomfortable or that I do not like but wear simply because they divert attention from my weight or shape. I will wear clothes that are comfortable and that make me feel comfortable in my body.

7 ~ I will list 5-10 good qualities that I have, such as understanding, intelligence, or creativity. I will repeat these to myself whenever I start to feel bad about my body.

8 ~ I will practice taking people seriously for what they say, feel, and do, not for how slender, or "well put together" they appear.

9 ~ I will surround myself with people and things that make me feel good about myself and my abilities. When I am around people and things that support me and make me feel good, I will be less likely to base my self-esteem on the way my body looks.

10 ~ I will treat my body with respect and kindness. I will feed it, keep it active, and listen to its needs. I will remember that my body is the vehicle that will carry me to my dreams!
Let us not pass on this legacy of self abuse to our daughters and grand daughters. Let us learn to love ourselves as our friends and family do. Stop for just a moment and think ~ if your best friend talked to and treated you the way you do to yourself ~ would you maintain that friendship. Of course not ~ so it's time to become your own best friend and love yourself.


Sebrina Wilson said...

I hear this one...been a issue my whole life. Only recently have I begun to change the way I feel about myself. Instead of eating a certain way so I can look a certain way, I am eating a certain way so I can feel a certain way. I will not put junk into my body. I have more respect for it now and I won't do it. But I think that if we have negative body image we do things to self sabotage. We eat crap we feel like crap and that's what we feel we deserve. Maybe not consciously but subconsciously.

Chris said...

I'm printing this one off. It really speaks to me. Thanks Barb!

Vickie LeBlanc said...

Everything you said in this post Barb is so true for myself also. Up until about 10 years ago I pretty much lived my life the way I thought other people wanted me to live my life (especially my own mother). I see so many yogis come to class with the most expensive outfits, the new trend in water bottles, etc. - are they really there for their Mind/Body/Soul experience. I think not. They are there because they want to be seen with all those expensive outfits.

Three years ago I started eating a much more healthier diet than what I was used to and with this came the weight lost of 30 pounds. I've tried the fad diets before saying I wanted to lose a few pounds so I could fit in those jeans I used to fit in.. not any more. The only goal I have is eating healthy foods so I will feel healthy (if that makes any sence).

Mamato2 said...

Blech- that's just about what my brain says when I look at my body and maybe that's why my body is rebelling sooooo much.
I need to be grateful for what my body is and does.
Thanks for this post!


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