Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy (Belated) Birthday

A very happy belated birthday to my love.

With my dad's death and all the activity that surrounds such an event, Don's birthday although not forgotten, did not get the attention it deserved.

So here is a belated Happy Birthday to you.

Thank you for all the support through the past few weeks of daddy's illness .... thanks for your beautiful words at his funeral ..... thanks for allowing me to bring my mom here to live with us ..... thanks for just being you, the man I love and choose to blend my life with.

Here of course is Poppa surrounded by his grandkids .... he can't do much of anything without Miss Gabriella on his lap.

"There was a star danced, and under that was I born."
William Shakespeare


Vickie LeBlanc said...

Happy belated to Don from me. I did'nt know your mom was living with you - you are probably more at ease having her with you.

Yum - cake !

Chris said...

Yes, Happy Belated to Don! Sorry I haven't written but we have been
away. How are you doing? I hope you are healing. It is sure wonderful that you can be there for your mom. Say hi to Don for me. Take care.


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