Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chiropractic Care

Do you see a chiropractor regularly?

I do and let me tell you, there is an enormous difference in my health. Although I do still suffer from arthritis and fibromyalgia, I can't imagine what it would be like without my chiropractor.

For many, many years I suffered from headaches so bad that I submitted myself to trigger point injections, very painful injections in the neck and shoulder area by an anestheologist which gave me a moderate amount of relief for approximately 3 months. My doctor also sent me to a public health nurse to learn how to inject myself with a strong intra-muscular injectable pain killer.

Since seeing a chiropractor regularly for the last 4-5 years, the strongest painkiller I take now is Advil and usually more for my arthritis pain especially my knee. Very seldom for a headache any more.

Here are nine reasons for chiropractic care.

1. Relieve nerve irritation caused by narrowed openings of the spine due to degenerated discs.
2. Restore movement by stretching shortened ligaments resulting from chronic joint stiffness.
3. Restore joint movement by breaking down scar tissue from old injuries.
4. Help to "pump" in nourishment and lubricates the discs to avoid drying, cracking and rupturing of discs.
5. Calm muscle excitability to reduce tensions and spasm.
6. Can trigger specific pain-controlling nerve reflexes.
7. Can save you time and money in the long run by preventing chronic pain and future disability.
8. Correct underlying structural problem, rather than "cover up" your symptoms.
9. Pain relief without drugs or surgery.

Many, many people are nervous to see a chiropractor because of many horror stories of neck twisting, cracking, etc.... When you look for a chiro make sure that you and he/she understand your fears. They don't have to do the twisting and cracking. My chiro has never twisted or cracked my neck due to the lack of mobility and pain I suffer from arthritis in my neck. She uses a small hand held machine called an "Activator" which gently provides adjustments to the spine.

It's most important to understand that chiropractic is not a treatment for disease. It's purpose is to reduce nerve system stress, a serious and often painless condition most adults and children have in their bodies. Nerve system stress interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system, can weaken internal organs and organ systems, lower resistance, reduce healing potential and set the stage for sickness and disorders of all kinds. When a chiropractor frees the nervous system from spinal stress, the healing power of the body is unleashed: the immune system works more efficiently, resistance to disease increases, and your body functions more efficiently. You can then respond to internal and external environmental stresses such as germs, changes in temperature, humidity, toxins, pollen and all the other stresses you may come in contact with more efficiently.
Try chiropractic care ... I'm sure you will come to love your chiro as much as I love mine.

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