Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Fire, A Book, An Afghan, A Cup of Tea

It's a great day to stay inside!

Snow, rain, freezing rain - we are expecting this mix all through the day.

Although it is dismal outside, this is the kind of day that just cries for us to stay in our pj's, curl up with a cup of Earl Grey tea, picking up a great book or a stack of lovely magazines to read, wrapping up in a quilt or afghan and just staying put.

Sebrina is reading "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. She is tearing through this book at record speed and is recommending that I too should read it. It certainly sounds like a book that I will enjoy and plan on signing up for the online course Oprah Winfrey along with the author is offering on her website.

She and I have been discussing different parts of the book - her words were, "this book was written for me". I have a feeling that I will say the same thing when I get it. This book is a self help book to awaken your inner self to your true life potential.

Do you hate your body?
Are you plagued with thoughts that you're not "enough"?
Do you fear that if you lose something precious (money, spouse, youth, vigor, job, etc.) that your life will be "over"?
Is your attachment to "stuff" and striving to live up to the expectations of others wearing you out?
Do you want to heal from painful emotions and negative states of being?

These are questions and thoughts that I struggle with daily, so this book along with one of his others, "The Power of Now" are books that I will definately add to my library.

For now however, I am watching the rain run down my windows in rivulets and thinking about all that is lying dorment under the snow.

In the blink of an eye new life will soon be coursing through the brown and white landscape. New beautiful buds of green will soon be appearing on the very naked trees & bushes as they rejoice in the new garments they will display for us for the next five to six months.

Crocuses, tulips, daffodils, narcissis, johhny-jump-ups, lily of the valley pushing their heads up through the remaining snow .... songbirds and butterflies back from their sojourn abroad, the sounds of children playing outside.

If you are still long enough you might even hear the sounds of insects waking up from their long winter naps.

Ahhhhh ..... spring, I can hardly wait!


Sebrina Wilson said...

I finished the book yesterday. You know I enjoy a book if I can finish it in one day. I had to ignore my family all day, lol. It's excellent and I will HIGHLY recommend it. Now it's the putting the suggestions into place thats hard. I think taking the 10 week online course will help with that. I must say that I have learned a little trick from the book that lets me feel something I have never felt before..... Peace... Sounds crazy but it's true. This feeling I have never felt before. I thought I had felt peace but it didn't feel like this. I was reading a passage in the book and my eyes welled up with tears and I felt kind of shaky. It's very powerful!

COLLEEN said...

Okay, you have both hooked me in; now I must absolutely read this book. I think this book comes at such an appropriate time for so many of us. Time for new beginnings -- not "change" but instead "TRANSFORMATION"!

Vickie LeBlanc said...

After reading Sabrina's comments on this book, hearing Oprah talk about it and a handful of people I work with also praise this book - I am buying my own copy tonight (hopefully). I am very selective in the books I read but this one... I have a good feeling.

And yes, a good read with a nice soothing cup of tea.

Have a great day !


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