Saturday, December 22, 2007

Time To Be Still

Here I sit for a moment before the Christmas festivities are upon us. We had a lovely visit today with friends and are finally home. Now, after setting the dining room table for the buffet we are having tomorrow for 22 family members, I am sitting down.

The stillness and quiet of the house rest upon me like a blanket, wrapping me in its warm embrace.

I wonder - what are others doing tonight? Are they wrapped in the warm embrace of their loving families? Or are they homeless, looking for a warm place to lay their head for the night?

As I look out over the ravine towards the road and I see the headlights of automobiles coming and going.

Where are you all going? Are you out for last minute shopping? Are you maybe going to a movie? Is your trunk piled high with parcels to be delivered to friends or family? Are you going to help someone less fortunate than you? I pause for a moment as I wonder .............

The headlights are restless, twinkling, slowly moving closer and closer to their destination, never staying still, always going somewhere.

As I sit in my quiet home, I think how rich my life is with many wonderful friends and family with whom I can enjoy this beautiful season.

After tonight, we will be quite busy for the next week.
Tomorrow Don's family as well as my Mother and Dad come for our Christmas celebration. Monday is Christmas Eve which we always spend with our daughter Sebrina and her family - new jammies for everyone and then up to the loft for our annual viewing of "Polar Express". The boys will cuddle up on the floor with their pillows and quilts ... of course Zander will want Poppa to cuddle with him, will Ryan want Mammy to cuddle up with him like last year?
Then of course Christmas Day - the morning together for just Don & me, maybe a special breakfast, then off to visit my Mom and Dad before we head off to our daughters for Christmas dinner ... I have been told that Santa is going to make a substantial drop at our home on Christmas Eve which we - his helpers will be delivering to them.
Boxing Day - more company, my very dear friend MaryAnne and her family will visit for our Christmas celebration.

Then a breather - I get to be still for a couple of days.

Sunday, another buffet for my family ... brothers and sisters, Mom & Dad.
Monday - New Years Eve, the jury is still out on that evening - no decision yet on what we're doing. Will we have some friends in and ring in the New Year with them or will we spend the evening alone and probably be in bed asleep long before midnight? Hmmm - tough decision.
New Years Day, traditional Japanese food at Don parents.

What a wonderful time of the year this is!
It feels warm & lovely - like a big fluffy housecoat .....
It feels delicious & scrumptious - like a delectable turkey dinner ....
It feels inviting & enticing - like a crackling fire .....
It smells cinnamony & spicy - like a warm mug of apple cider.
It feels heavenly & enchanting - like Josh Groban singing Ava Maria ......

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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